Can Dental Bonding Minimize Gap in Front Teeth?

Can Dental Bonding Minimize Gap in Front Teeth?

Feb 01, 2023

Improper gaps between your front teeth can make you feel embarrassed or self-conscious about your smile. Similarly, improper teeth gaps can encourage plaque build-up in the mouth, increasing your risk of oral issues like tooth decay and gum disease.

If you have improper gaps between your teeth, you might be a good candidate for teeth bonding. This article looks at what to expect before and after getting dental bonding.

What is Dental Bonding?

Tooth bonding is the process of adding a tooth-colored material to a tooth. Since the bonding material is customized to match the shade of your natural teeth, it will leave your smile looking natural.

Unlike other treatments like veneers and fillings, dental bonding is less invasive since it doesn’t involve enamel trimming or drilling. Therefore, it’s virtually painless. You might not even need an anesthetic. The entire procedure takes about 30 to 60 minutes. After the procedure, you can resume your normal activities.

Are You a Good Candidate?

Generally, teeth bonding corrects minor dental imperfections like:

  • Improper teeth gaps
  • Teeth stains, yellowing, or discoloration
  • Teeth misalignments
  • Dental damages like chips and cracks
  • Worn-down enamel
  • Misshaped teeth

Before performing the procedure, our cosmetic dentist must examine your condition to determine your eligibility. People with moderate to severe imperfections like teeth breaks, cavities, and misalignments might not be good candidates. In such cases, the dentist can recommend more extensive treatments like crowns, fillings, and orthodontic treatments.

Dental Bonding Procedure

The dentist will begin by preparing your tooth for the procedure. The front surfaces of the teeth are etched with an acidic solution. Then, a conditioning liquid is applied to the teeth for easy bonding. Next, the dentist applies a putty-like composite bonding material to the teeth to fill the gaps.

The material is customized to match the shade of your natural teeth. An ultraviolet light or laser can quicken the boding procedure. Lastly, the dentist polishes the tooth to remove excess materials to ensure a proper bite and natural appearance.

Considerations Before Getting Teeth Bonding

Below are a few things to keep in mind when getting dental bonding:

  • Are you considering teeth whitening besides dental bonding? If so, you should begin by whitening your teeth before the bonding procedure. During bonding, the dentist matches the bonding material with the current shade of your natural teeth. Whitening teeth after bonding would result in a non-uniform smile.
  • The bonding material can get stained. Like your natural tooth, the composite bonding material can stain over time. Therefore, avoid or limit staining ingredients like tobacco, soda, and coffee.
  • The bonding material can chip or break. Unfortunately, composite material is not as strong as your tooth’s enamel. Habits like teeth grinding and chewing hard items like nails and ice can easily cause them to crack or break.

Caring for Your Bonded Tooth

Like your natural teeth, bonded teeth require proper care for maximum benefits. With good dental care and habits, your dental bonding should last 5 – 10 years. Use the tips below to care for your mouth and bonded teeth.

Immediate Care

Since dental bonding is non-invasive, there’s no recovery time. You can resume your everyday tasks immediately after your treatment. However, some patients complain about minor sensitivity. Fortunately, this should fade away within a few days. For the next few hours, keep in mind the following instructions:

  • Avoid colored and acidic food items as they can easily stain the bonding material.
  • Take pain medication as prescribed. If needed, you can take over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Avoid hot, cold, and sugary items to prevent tooth sensitivity.
  • Avoid hard or crunchy foods. Consider a softer diet until the bonding feels normal.

Long-Term Care

Below are long-term dos and don’ts of dental bonding:

  • Brush and floss daily. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush, electric or manual.
  • Avoid abrasive toothpaste and other oral products.
  • Visit our dental office for routine dental checkups and cleanings.
  • Wear a mouth guard if you have bruxism or during sports.
  • Limit colored and acidic food items, or rinse your mouth after taking them.
  • Avoid damaging habits like using teeth to open cans or cut nails.

Are You Interested in Dental Bonding?

Contact Jersey Smile to speak with our dentist in Berkeley Heights, NJ for more information about dental bonding.

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